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  • Writer's picturecocreativeagency

Grow Your Network: Start with 100

Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter all help you accomplish the same thing - to build a community of people. What I've learned however, is that a network is only as good and effective as the people within it.

What can 100 do that 1000 can't?

Ask yourself, out of 1000 follows, how many do you have a personal relationship with? I'd much rather have 100 people who support my endeavors, offer great advice, and create win-win moments than 1000 who add no real value.

Plant 100 Seeds:

You can start over by building a network of 100 helpful people. That's 100 meaningful conversations, 100 cups of coffee, 100 thank you's, 100 acts of giving, 100 new introductions, and 100 win-win moments over the course of the year.

Relationships begin with planting a seed of intention. As you meet new people, keep the value of each relationship in mind.

Reaching out to someone one time after you've met is not going to build a solid relationship. After planting a seed, it must be watered regularly and given sunlight for it to thrive.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Focus on being helpful

  2. Offer something good and expect nothing in return

  3. Make the relationship meaningful

  4. Show appreciation

  5. Make small gestures

  6. Ask for support

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